KMS February Spirit Week
Get ready for another fun spirit week. As we get ready for winter break let's celebrate all things February. What will you be wearing to school this week?
Important Drop off Information
When dropping off your student in the morning, please do not park in the drop-off area. We want to keep the line moving. Please pull up, drop your student off, and pull away. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to reach out.
This Week at KMS
Fundraiser for Open Cafe
Students who participate in Open Cafe on Tuesday and Wednesday are looking to raise some money for snacks and supplies. Bring in $1.00 or more to send a treat to your friends for Valentine's Day.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 10-14 - Spirit Week
- Thursday, February 13 - Science Fair
- February 17-21 - No School - February Vacation
- Wednesday, March 5th - 8th graders to KHS
- Wednesday, March 12 - 8th Grade Parent Night @ KHS 5:30-7:30
- March 14-21 - Scholastic Book Fair
- Wednesday, March 19 - MWV Stem Expo @ The Grand Summit Hotel at Attitash
- Thursday, March 20 - Early Release - Dismissal at 11:20
- Friday, March 21 - No School Teacher Workshop
- Tuesday, March 25 - Louis Fuchs/Otto Ninow Concert 6:30pm KMS Gym
- Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest
- Conway Break Camp for Grades 3-6
- Conway Public Library MWV Stem Expo Camp February 18th - 20th
- VEX Robotics & 3D Printing Club @ The Conway Public Library Mondays 4pm
- Teen Giant Games @ The Conway Public Library Fridays 3pm