Early Release This Week
We will have an Early Release on Wednesday. Dismissal will begin at 11:20am with buses. Pick-ups and walkers will be dismissed when buses leave.
Tardy Procedure
as seen in the KMS student handbook
The purpose of our tardy procedure is to develop the importance of responsibility and punctuality. We feel this is an important lesson for you to learn. However, we acknowledge that sometimes circumstances are beyond your control. These procedures are meant to help prepare you for both high school, as well as your life beyond school, and therefore, are designed as an intermediate step between your experience at elementary school and the practices used at Kennett High School.
You are on time for school if you are in your homeroom by the start of school at 7:35 am. If you are tardy to school, you will wait in the reception area until you are issued a tardy slip. If you are tardy, you must have either a note from a parent or we must receive a telephone call explaining the reason for each late arrival. The first two (2) tardies of the quarter will be considered excused, no matter what the reason. Starting with the third tardy, all tardies will be considered unexcused unless you come with appropriate documentation. A tardy will be excused for health/medical related circumstances and other official appointments (i.e. court appearances) when the attendance office is provided with a note from a medical provider or court documentation upon the student’s return to school. All other requests to excuse a tardy will require approval from the principal. After the third (3rd) unexcused tardy during a single quarter, you will receive a lunch detention. For every two (2) unexcused tardies afterward during a single quarter, you will receive an after school detention. When the quarter changes, the record resets back to zero (0) and you start over.
In order to be considered present for the full day you must be in your homeroom by 7:35 am and remain at school until 2:10 pm.
Tardies and Athletic Participation
Please note that as a student-athlete you must be present in school for a full day on the day of any practice, game, or event, in order to participate. You will be considered here for the full day if you meet any of the following:
1. You are actually present for the full day based on the definition above.
2. You are marked Tardy Excused based on the tardy procedure above.
3. You are dismissed and return to school with appropriate documentation.
4. You are dismissed and return for the event with appropriate documentation.
In all other circumstances, you will not be considered present for the full day and therefore not allowed to attend the scheduled athletic event that day per Conway School Board Policy IGDK. If you are a student-athlete and are marked tardy unexcused, every effort will be made to ensure you are able to contact home by 12:30 that day to inform your family of your situation.
This Week At KMS
- Wednesday, January 29 - Early Release Dismissal at 11:20am
- Thursday, February 13 - Science Fair
- February 17-21 - No School - February Vacation
- Magnify Voices Expressive Art Contest
- January Nourish Newsletter
- VEX Robotics & 3D Printing Club @ The Conway Public Library Mondays 4pm
- Teen Giant Games @ The Conway Public Library Fridays 3pm
- Conway Rec's Teen Center Tailgate Party Fundraiser
- End 68 Hours of Hunger Dollar For Dollar Matching Challenge