Saturday, November 16, 2024

Week of November 18, 2024

Staff Underground Spirit Week

This week the KMS Staff did the TikTok Famous Underground Spirit Week.  Students were not told about this and the staff showed up and surprised the students with something different every day.  Check out the photos below - Tuesday - Flannel Day, Wednesday - Anything but a Cup Day, Thursday - Hawaiian Day, Friday - Formalwear.  We can't wait to see what the students do for their Spirit Week.


We will have a KMS Spirit Week this week!  Check out the flyer below and help your student(s) plan their outfits for the week! 🤍💛🖤🦅


We have made it through the first quarter and working hard to make the necessary adjustments having added Grade 6 to the middle school, as well as many new staff. We are now reaching out to emphasize the critical role of daily attendance and punctuality in your child's success here at KMS. As absences and tardies add up, letters will be sent home. Please talk with your child about their attendance and let them know that each day at school builds on previous learning, and being present and on time ensures they don’t miss essential lessons, interactions, and activities that contribute to their academic and social growth.

Arriving on time not only helps your child start the day prepared but also fosters a sense of responsibility and routine that is invaluable for their future. Missing even a few days can lead to gaps in understanding and increased stress as students try to catch up.

Students may enter the building at 7:25 and must be in their homeroom by 7:35. We encourage parents to drop off students between 7:15 and 7:25 as it is difficult to make it into the building on time if they arrive later than that. Students also have the opportunity to have breakfast in the cafeteria and socialize with friends at 7:25. We hope to make significant improvements to student attendance over the next quarter!

Thank you for your continued partnership!


There will be a PTO Meeting on Tuesday Evening (11/19) at Tuckerman Brewing Company (in Conway) at 5pm.  If you would like to help raise funds to support our students swing by and say Hi.


Preseason basketball schedule for next week: 

Boys Basketball: Monday, November 18th and Wednesday, November 20th from 2:30-4:30

Girls Basketball: Tuesday, November 19th from 2:30-4:30

6th Grade Turkey Trot with Conway Rec

The 2024 Turkey Trot Race will take place at 4:45 PM on Friday, November 22nd at the Conway Rec Field behind Mountainside Intermediate School.
Like last year, they asked participants to pre-register (there is no cost). Age groups will be broken up into four different sessions:
5 & 6 Year Olds, 7 & 8 Year Olds, 9 & 10 Year Olds, & 11 & 12 Year Olds
There will be a boys and girls race for each age group with the winner from each race receiving a turkey. All participants will earn a Turkey Trot Ribbon. In addition, they will raffle off one turkey to each age group. All participants should arrive at the Conway Rec Field by 4:45 PM. This race is for residents of Conway and Albany. Contact Conway Rec at 603-901-1139 with any questions or concerns.

ESSC Ski Program / Club

6th graders will be able to participate in the ESSC ski program this year with Mountainside Intermediate School on Tuesday afternoons. While 7th and 8th graders will have the choice to join the ESSC Ski Club which will happen after school on Mondays - Click on the link below for more information.  All forms are due by tomorrow (Monday, November 18th)

KMS Grade 6 ESSC Information

KMS Grade 7 & 8 ESSC Information

Upcoming Events

  • Week of 11/18 - KMS Spirit Week 
  • Tuesday, 11/19 - KMS PTO Meeting @ 5:00 at Tuckerman Brewery
  • Wednesday, 11/27 - Friday, 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break

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Week of February 10, 2025

KMS February Spirit Week  Get ready for another fun spirit week.  As we get ready for winter break let's celebrate all things February. ...