KMS Science Fair
Congratulations to all our students on a successful Science Fair. Thank you to all the families that came out in the snowstorm to support our students and view all their hard work.
School Breakfast WeekThis week is National School Breakfast Week. School Breakfast can simplify mornings for families by offering kids and teens healthy options that fit into their schedule. Here at KMS we will have a photo booth at breakfasts next week, highlighting those participating and making positive choices by starting their day with food for fuel! We will also have a breakfast taste testing during lunches featuring egg bites and smoothies to introduce students to some of the nutritious breakfast choices! Check out this infographic for more information and stats about school breakfast.
Weather at your School!
We want to welcome all our students to join us on Tuesday March 11 at 5:30am to join Ted McInerney for a Live weather broadcast right at Kennett Middle School.
Scholastic Book Fair
We are excited to offer the Scholastic Book Fair to our students. The book fair will take place from Friday, March 14th - to Friday, March 21st. Don't forget to set up your student's eWallet account for cashless, stress-less shopping. Friends and family can even contribute funds! Set one up here: https://www.scholastic.
🥎 ⚾ 🏃🏃♀️Spring Sports Sign-Up 🏃🏃♀️⚾ 🥎
Kennett Middle School will offer the following sports in the Spring to 7th & 8th graders: Baseball, Softball, and Track and Field. Preseason for pitchers and catchers will start the week of March 17th. The first full week for all spring sports will be the week of March 24th. 6th graders will continue with sports programming at Conway Rec.
There will be a Spring Sports Parent Meeting on Wednesday, March 12th at 6pm in the KMS Lecture Hall for all parents of 7th & 8th grade Spring Athletes.
All sports information for Kennett Middle School is also available on
Spring sign-ups will be open until March 14th. Please remember sports sign-ups are a TWO-step process: The Google form and the paper registration form must be filled out to complete the registration process. Please click the link for the Google form:
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, March 5th - 8th graders to KHS
- Wednesday, March 5 - School Deliberative Session @ KHS 7:00pm
- Monday, March 10 - 8th Grade Parent Night @ KHS 5:30pm-7:30pm - Date Change
- Tuesday, March 11 - Weather at your School @ KMS 5:30am
- Tuesday, March 11 - 7th Grade Field Trip 8:00am - 2:00pm
- Wednesday, March 12 - Spring Sports Parent Meeting 6pm Lecture Hall - Date Change
- Friday, March 14 - Spring Sport Sign-up Deadline
- March 14-21 - Scholastic Book Fair
- Wednesday, March 19 - MWV Stem Expo @ The Grand Summit Hotel at Attitash
- Thursday, March 20 - Early Release - Dismissal at 11:20 - Student-Led Conferences
- Friday, March 21 - No School Teacher Workshop
- Tuesday, March 25 - Louis Fuchs/Otto Ninow Concert 6:30pm KMS Gym
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